For upper-level courses in Devices and Circuits at Electrical and Electronic Engineering universities. This text, highly accurate and thoroughly written, has set the standard in electronic devices and circuit theory for over 25 years.
All new electronics self-teaching guide is intended for self-learner with high speed. The book featuring great question-answer format, self-test at the end of each chapter and illustrative experiments.
Superposition Theorem state that the voltage across an element in a linear electric circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across that element due to each independent source acting alone.
Fundamental of electrical engineering is written by Giorgio Rizzoni, comprising the basics of electrical engineering and extending to electronics and system analysis.
In contrast to a practical voltage source, an imaginary deal source provide constant voltage regardless of load current because of no internal resistance. While ideal current source provides a constant current regardless of load current.
Star Delta Transformations and Delta Star Transformations allow us to convert resistances or impedances connected together at three different nodes from one type of connection to another and vice versa.
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem state that maximum power will transfer from source to load if and only if the load resistance is equal to source internal resistance. The theorem is purely about the transfer of power not efficiency.
Norton Theorem reduces any two port circuit to a Norton Resistor, a load resistor, and a current source in parallel. Where Thevenin Theorem incorporates voltage source in series.