A transistor is a basic component in electronics engineering used in almost every electronics circuit. The transistor is mainly used as an amplifier or switch in any circuit. Learn the basic working of the transistor, characteristics, uses, and its application. Share the transistor posts on twitter, pinreset, reddit, and many more social platforms.
MCQs on Transistor BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor)
Prepare for interviews or exams with our collection of basic interview MCQs on transistors. Our comprehensive resource covers fundamental concepts of Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) to help you ace your test preparations. Test your knowledge and enhance your understanding of BJT transistors with our carefully curated multiple-choice questions.
Explain Working of the Transistors as a Switch
The working of the Transistors as a switch is explained here. When a transistor is used as an electronic switch, the transistor is operated in the cutoff and saturation region to open and close a circuit respectively. The working of transistors as a switch has an important role in digital electronics. Working of the Transistors …