PSpice for Circuit Theory and Electronic Devices is one of a series of five PSpice books and introduces the latest Cadence Orcad PSpice version 10.5 by simulating a range of DC and AC exercises. It is aimed primarily at those wishing to get up to speed with this version.

PSpice for circuit theory and electronic devices Features :
- The book PSpice for Circuit Theory and Electronic Devices has more focus on analog electric design.
- The book preserves the original color of the simulation environment for better recognition.
- It uses snapshots, icons, captions, shortcuts for frequent actions, step by step-by-step explanations for better understanding.
- PSPice terms are better explained by matching with corresponding electrical engineering terminologies.
- As the name suggests, it provides a textbook as well as a laboratory manual.
- Examples are worked with a theoretical explanation, simulated, and then compared with each other.
- Exercise at the end of each chapter is initially worked to enable students to finish completion.
- Setting and properties are discussed as they come up.
Contents :
- Basic electrical engineering circuit theorems are worked by hand and then simulated and the results are compared.
- Laplace Transformation is used for the transient response of Resistor-Capacitor Circuits (RC) and Resistor-Inductor Circuits (RL).
- Series and parallel resonant circuits are tested with simulation by sweeping through different impedances that are best explained.
- Modeling semi-conductor device characteristics as closely as possible to practice.
- Examine the problem of crossover in the power amplifier and power transistor using OrCAD PSpice.
- Power supply, power factor, and regulation problems are demonstrated with the help of simulation and better visualized.
- Finally, the characteristics of electronic devices are discussed and simulated for how they are connected to get NAND or NOR gates.