Highly regarded for its practical case studies and accessible writing, Norman Nise’s Control Systems Engineering has become the top-selling text for this course.
Features of Control Systems Engineering Book:
It takes a practical approach, presenting clear and complete explanations. Real-world examples demonstrate the analysis and design process. While helpful skill assessment exercises, numerous in-chapter examples, review questions, and problems help in understanding key concepts.
Case Study:
A new progressive problem, a solar energy parabolic trough collector, is featured at the end of each chapter. Ten new simulated control lab experiments now complement the online resources that accompany the text. This edition also includes Hardware Interface Laboratory experiments for use on the MyDAQ platform from National Instruments.
Tool Usage:
Tutorials are also included in the latest versions of MATLAB, the Control System Toolbox, Simulink, the Symbolic Math Toolbox, and MATLAB’s graphical user interface (GUI) tools.
Content Organization:
The book starts with the history of control systems engineering by starting with a very simple example. It introduces some basic concepts and objectives of a control system. In the second chapter, Modeling in the frequency domain introduces the Laplace transformation. Then talks about the transfer function of a physical system like electrical and mechanical systems.
Afterward, the book talks about time-domain modeling, state-space representation, and conversion to and from the frequency domain. Then it discusses the system time response. The fifth chapter is all about block diagram, their reduction, and conversion to and from signal flow diagrams.
Control system analysis starts from chapter six by checking the system’s stability. The next one is about the steady-state error and designing a system using steady-state error requirements.
Afterward, it provides an introduction to the advanced analysis concept of Root locus and then designing with root locus.
Finally, it provides an introduction to the frequency response concept and then designs with frequency response.