Top 5 Essential Electrical Wiring Rules to Follow for Your Home

We are all heavily dependent on electricity in our everyday life. Hence we must plan before electrical wiring work begins. Since electrical wiring is a big network that spans over the entire house you must plan and decide on certain very important things.

Building a new home brings immense joy to everyone. It is a lifetime of achievement. Turning it into your beautiful safety nest is the first thing that comes to your mind. To do so you must ensure the electrical safety inspection of your new home.

We recommend that you follow these 5 rules for your home to ensure complete electrical safety.

1. Outlet Location Planning

Electrical wiring installation begins once the basic construction work is complete. The outlets however are planned before and designed during construction work. According to your style of electrical consumption, you have to prepare the outlets. The outlets will determine how and where to plug in your home appliances, gadgets, etc. After all, it is the ultimate dream of every homeowner to decorate the house.

So it is always worth the planning so that you get to enjoy the desired look of your dream home. For this, you just have to get the plan of your house, sit down, and get started with decor ideas. It’s that simple.

2. Electrical Wiring Type

You must understand that your electrical system connects your entire house, both indoors and outdoors. The main supply system should be able to match up to your desired level of total power consumption. Ideally, a standard Australian house requires around 100-200 amps of electricity.

However, there are 3 different types of wiring systems, lead sheathed, surface conduit, and concealed conduit wiring. Out of these three concealed conduit style is the most preferred one and is highly on trend right now because all the wiring works remain concealed behind the walls.

Aesthetics matter the most when you are looking for a well-decorated home. So you must decide in advance about the electrical wiring system installation in your house.

3. Your Style & Amount Of Electricity Consumption

Many of you love to keep and use different gadgets and appliances, such as gigantic TV sets, home theatres, wall projectors, floor lamps, etc. No wonder they help you to decorate your home. All gadget lovers must plan to decorate their house beforehand as you require plug points in proper positions to plug in your gadgets.

Not only that you have to place them tactfully so that the whole set-up looks good. You also have to understand your style of using all of them, future purchase possibilities, etc. as these will use electricity to run.

Hence you must get an estimation of your electricity consumption behaviour and keep room for getting extra power later on.

4. Energy Efficient Choices

Isn’t it amazing when you get to moderate the energy costs using a control system?

Home owners these days are not only concerned about the rising costs of electricity but they are also concerned about its impact on the environment. Energy efficient systems are highly in demand right now.

These new systems help you to save more money on electricity, as well as help you control air conditioning, pool regulation, ventilation control, etc. even when you are not present in your home.

5. Combustible Switches

Who said light switches have to be plain, old-fashioned, and dull-looking? Today, you have many creative variants available, such as LED-based control panels. They not only perform well, but they also enhance the look.

Electrical Wiring close up view

Before you begin with the electrical wiring for your new home, talk to your electrician about the same. They will be able to guide you through all the custom fittings you want.


To turn your dream home into reality you need to plan way in time. Most things require planning, careful execution, and a great finishing touch to attain a beautiful look. Without electrical work, your home will not light up. It is an essential part of gaining functionality.

If you follow this article and work accordingly you will be able to get electrical work done with better knowledge and preparation.

If you are residing or building your new home in the Golden Bay area, Western Australia, get in touch with us. We at Gen Y Electrical are always ready to serve you the best quality of electrical work.

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